Pastor Chris Fraley

Pastor Chris Fraley and his wife, Wendi, followed God’s leading in 1998 to begin Wildwood Calvary Chapel. After serving in youth ministry for 10 years, Chris felt the strong call of God in his life to teach God’s Word in the community of Yucaipa/Calimesa. Chris grew up in the Riverside and San Bernardino counties and so he has a real heart and connection with this area.

What started as a small home fellowship in Wildwood Canyon eventually moved into the park and then into a local high school and then a facility was built in 2002. Wildwood Calvary Chapel has grown to not only impact the local area, but has missionaries, church plants, and outreaches outside of the United States.

Our History

In 1998, Wildwood Calvary Chapel began as a home Bible study in the Wildwood Canyon area of Yucaipa. It wasn’t long until that Bible study reproduced three other home Bible studies in the surrounding area. The first Sunday gathering was in Wildwood Canyon Park and Pastor Chris announced that Mesa Grande Academy had opened up their doors to allow us to meet as a church in the gymnasium. It was an amazing season of growth in those early years. Wildwood was growing in number and growing in maturity. Pastor Chris led us through the New Testament, walking through it verse by verse and we watched God do as he did in the early church; adding daily, those who were being saved.

The Lord continued to open doors for us to meet in schools, parks, homes, community centers, and coffee shops. Wherever He opened the door for us to gather, we did so. We committed to feeding the sheep and reaching the lost, and God was faithful to grant us a place to meet.

Eventually, God opened up the door for us to meet within the city of Yucaipa in the public high school and middle school. We used these temporary locations for over 14 years before God graciously provided for us to purchase property.

In 2006, we purchased 16.5 acres on Oak Glen Rd.

In 2009, God paid off the land in full.

In 2012, we built the first phase of our master plan; the worship center and children's facilities.

In 2014, Wildwood Christian Academy began providing a Christian education for 1st-5th graders.

In 2019, we built the second phase of our master plan; the student ministry center.

In 2019, Wildwood Christian Academy began providing a Christian education for 6th-8th graders.

And prayerfully in the near future, we will see the third phase of our master plan built.

It’s been an incredible wave of God’s grace that we have been riding for over 25 years now. Watching God bless the faithful teaching of His Word and seeing so many lives changed and transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We pray that God will move in your heart to join us as we fellowship with the Living God but also as we promote and proclaim His kingdom.